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Perfect Roast Potatoes

I love a roastie and have spent years perfecting what, for me, is the perfect method. I've also made it hassle-free, I don't par boil at all and I don't think they suffer for it.


  • Potatoes, peeled. Ideally maris piper or the red ones

  • 1 large onion

  • 4 cloves garlic

  • Goose fat

  • Polenta (enough to sprinkle potatoes)


  1. Preheat oven to high (around 200C)

  2. Peel potatoes and place in a bowl

  3. Peel onion and cut into quarters and add to bowl

  4. Peel garlic cloves (or just pull off loose skin) and add to bowl

  5. Sprinkle polenta into bowl and shake up amongst ingredients

  6. Add goose fat to baking tray and preheat for 5 minutes

  7. Add all ingredients to tray and bake at the top of the oven for 45 minutes to an hour

Sometimes I throw in some fast cook veg to roast off at the end in all of the lovely flavours.


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